Athletes Foot (tinea pedis)

What you need to know about Athletes Foot

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection. It is common in people whose feet have become sweaty while wearing enclosed tight fitting shoes. It is highly contagious and can be spread by coming in contact with an infected person or from contact with contaminated surfaces, such as towels, floors and shoes.
Signs and symptoms 

Scaly rash that causes itching, burning and stinging. Some types can feature blistering or ulcers. The moccasin variety causes chronic dryness on the soles which extends up the side of the foot and is often mistaken for dry skin or dermatitis. 
Treatment options include over the counter topical ointments, lotions and sprays. If your symptoms persist you made need prescription medication. Severe infections may require anti fungal tablets. 

Drying feet thoroughly especially between your toes
Changing socks regularly and wearing breathable materials such as cotton or bamboo
Wearing light well ventilated shoes
Alternating foot wear to allow shoes to dry between each use
Wear water proof shoes in communal pools or showers
Treat your feet if you have an infection
Avoid wearing other people’s footwear or sharing towels

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